Case Studies


Electronic Mustering System


A platform was scheduled for a major shutdown project and a semi-submersible accommodation unit was organised to provide additional bed and laydown space. The platform management team were concerned that the mustering process would be very difficult to manage due to the large increase in personnel on the platform.



EPIC installed a comprehensive POB, gangway and mustering system on the accommodation unit using a combination of fixed readers and handheld readers to suit the unique configuration. A secure wireless network was installed on both the accommodation unit and the platform which allowed the handhelds to be used at any of the muster points or lifeboats. Fixed readers and POB traffic lights were installed at the entry and exit point to the gangway.


Personnel travelling between the separate platforms were managed safely and effectively while the Smart-Trac mustering system provided a robust and highly effective way of managing the transient nature of the workforce during the different project phases.The workforce personnel were able to muster at any point on either location and the platform management team were provided with instant visibility of key figures. The system was linked to the onshore ECR and the live information was seamlessly shared..

About Us
EPIC’s vision is to be the global leader in the development and provision of systems that ensure the accurate management of POB from day to day and during emergency responses in hazardous environments.
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Exploration & Production Information Company Ltd.
Unit 4, Axis Business Centre,
Thainstone, Inverurie,
Aberdeenshire, AB51 5TB
United Kingdom