Exploration & Production Information Company Ltd.
Unit 4, Axis Business Centre,
Thainstone, Inverurie,
Aberdeenshire, AB51 5TB
United Kingdom

It was time for the team to put down the keyboards and pens and don their race helmets and blindfolds for the EPIC Summer Social Event at Lochter Sports this August!
EPIC is excited to celebrate a major milestone for three key members of our team: Iain Catto, our Director of Operations; Coral McInulty, our Training Coordinator; and Toby Rigby, our Technical Engineer & QA Manager. Each of them is marking an impressive 10 years with the company!
We are delighted to share that one of our software development team members, Ghazaleh Mahjubian (Gill), has successfully completed an incredible challenge for a great cause. Throughout February, Gill walked 100 miles and managed to raise an amazing £1260 for Cancer Research. The £1260 raised by Gill will contribute directly towards purchase imaging software that will be used to monitor cancer cells in real time – well done Gill!
EPIC are pleased to announce the sponsorship of Colony Parks’ 2011 Football Team for the 2024/25 season. This sponsorship has provided new strips for the boys with the EPIC logo emblazoned on the front.
EPIC are proud to announce their new permanent Aberdeen headquarters will be based at Thainstone, Inverurie in a move away from their current office in Regus, Dyce. The new facility includes an open plan office for the team to work together to continue to deliver and support POB and e-mustering solutions, plus dedicated training and meeting areas.